Saturday, September 10, 2011

First week of first grade for Cara!

Well, we got off to a good start of school this week. She came home every day, and went right up to her "room" at the top of the landing and played school! Tuesday I cut it short so we could go to the lake, and Wed and Thursday we went to the Dance studio for classes. Wednesday was supposed to be the acro class, but when we got there, the teacher was doing the future starts dance class at 5pm. so that's where Cara ended up. She had a great time in there, her friends Adelin and Elliot were in there along with Marisa from last year, and our neighbor Sidney who rides her bus. There were seven girls in all. They did some acro and then mostly jazz dance. Heather got there about 5:30 and got to watch. So now we just have to figure out how to keep her doing the extra acro work somehow. Unless we sign up for the Monday night class with Miss Augga, and that means paying for three classes! The Thursday Hiphop class went well, lots of students. Sabrina from the summer class was there, so I enjoyed meeting up with her mom, Patti, and we talked alot while watching the girls. met some other moms, too.
Wednesday night there were so many Morman Mom's(grandma, me and Nanny, Ashley) we laughter about the Mormon bench we were sitting on. Rosia, Marisa's mom didn't know we were all morman's, even Miss Augga! Her husband is the President of the Spanish branch, and it was so much fun to be part of a group for a change. Our neighbor Tamara was there, her little 4 yr old Marisa had been in the 4pm class. So we all were just chatting like magpies. Last winter and sping, the Wednesday kinder combo class was my social life, meeting the other families that were watching their girls. All way younger that me, but it was still something to look forward to every week. And now when I chance to see them again, at the store or somewhere, it is nice to know someone to say hello and visit with for a moment.
Then Firday, Stacy picked up Cara after school, so that's our first week accomplished without too much drama!
Thursday I had made a haircut appointment over at the salon above the JohnLScott office. It had been recommended to me last year by a lady that I met at the tanning place. I saw her at the open house, and then in Costco, and I spoke to her and asked her how her boy was doing. Then I mentioned the haircut place, and she remembered me from last fall talking to her. So, I got brave, made the appointment, and went over there about 1:45 Thursday afternoon. Right away, before Gina was ready, I met a lady with a Saints t-shirt on, and started talking to her about the Saints. She is from New Orleans, and lives in Washington now, her kids got transferred and now they have a house to sell before they can move back down south. Has to travel to Virginia now(Navy ) to see the grandchildren they moved here to be nearby! She's Cajun and her name is Jean(pronounced the french way) I really liked her, so I hope to see her again somewhere. They live off Smokey Pt Blvd somewhere.
Then Gina was ready for me, and we hit it off famously. she made me PROMISE to not cut my own hair, and she evened my hair out and thinned it in all the right places. She has a plan, but we have to let it grow out some before she can do what she wants. So, it looks good now, and will really look great by Annies wedding, which is our goal. She was so nicve to me, ane it felt good to be pampered and treated like a person that mattered, not just another head to cut!
So, I am feeling happy to give myself these little treats.
I have ridden Buckwheat two times, Thursday and Friday in Jerry's fields. One day I saddled up and took the dogs also. Yesterday I just sent bareback across from Heathers in the small field. Went around it four times and then sat on her while she ate grass along the driveway. Except for the 100 yards or so that I have to be on the road, it is a great place to ride! Thank you God, that I finally met Jerry and had the nerve to ask his permission to ride the edges fo the fields. I hope to go over today and pick blackberries for cobbler.
Tomorrow we are having the misionaries for dinner, and Owen, too. It is going to be nice out, so we are going to BBQ hamburgers, have corn on the cob and salad and cornbread and beans! Oh yeah, and watermelon! I am excited to have company over and hope Heather Cara will join us after Cara gets back from Mike's. It is nice to still have the warm weather for at least another week, I think.
Made some cookies last night and took some over to the Moore's as a thank you for the help watching the dogs and unloading furniture. Had a good visit with Brenda, and saw her house, and the boys are trying to tame the jungle that is their yard, and they are making progress. Brenda is happy, and her house is nice. So many men/boys living with, I can't imagine what that is like!
Today is Saturday, and it is Stake Conference, so Tom will be going to the Church around 3 and then I will go at 7pm for the adult meeting. Still have some projects I want to finish up, so hope I can get them done today. Cleaned the bathroom up yesterday, and it really looks better. Now the laundry room is my next project. It is not a very nice room, so have an idea of how to make it somewhat better. We shall see.

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