Saturday, December 8, 2012

Full time Grandma Summer

It's been many months since my last post!  Cara finished out first grade, still struggling with schoolwork.  Last year it was the seizures and finding the right medicines.   Now it's a learning disability and her discouragement doing the schoolwork.  After many months of talking with Gale while at the morning pool workouts, and looking on websites, finally found someone to test her for dyslexia and tutor.  The school system has finally taken steps to get her into special ed for next year.  so basically after a whole school year of first grade, and not much improvement in her reading and math, we have a plan in place.  She has been going twice a week since school got out to get help from the tutor(Summer Holt).  They are using the Barton system( an Orton-gillingham approach) and Cara will learn  how to approach learning in a way that her brain can process.  The good news is that she got started early, compared to most of Summers students who don't get to her until around fourth grade.  She always seems happy after the sessions, and after over two months she seems to be starting to catch on to the code(of reading).  We still have a long way to go, but at least the process is started.  I will continue to take her up there during the school year, she will need two years at least before it all sinks in.  It is costing Heather $90 a week for the two sessions, and my time and gas money, but we all feel that it is necessary.  Cara's dad is still catching up on back child support from his year of unemployment, so basically, Heather is on her own paying for this.
This summer has gone better with me and Cara.  Still not perfect, but since she goes to the playroom at the gym while I workout in the pool, it has given a little structure to our mornings.  Then Monday and Tuesday we go to MtVernon to the tutor.  We go to McD's for lunch, and she usually has a nap in the car on the way there and on the way back!  June was a rainy month, but we survived it, and mid-July it was warm enough to go to the lake.  Heather, Cara and I went for a week to Myrtle Beach to see my mom.  So, now it's August and won't be long before school starts again.  Cara is in cheerleading now with Heather as the coach.  So three nights a week practice until school starts, and then two nights with games on Saturday through Sept. and Oct.  Also, we just started a once a week half-hour swimming lesson on Mondays.  So we won't be going to dance classes this fall.  Maybe in January, she really loves dancing.
We have had Caitlyn over once to play, and they do great together.  Then one day she went over to Elinor's and we had Elinor over here this week.  We take Maddy to the beach with us, and yesterday we went with Maddy to Lake Ki right across from her house, and that was really nice.  then had Maddy come home with us to play.  Today we will have Maddy this morning and then go meet at Olive Garden with some ladies for lunch later on.  It is definately easier for me when Cara has someone to play with!  She found her old baby stroller in the garage, so they have been playing mommas and babies outside for two days.
This morning Tom is going to help me get 40 bales of hay over across the road at Jerry's.  he sold all the hay before he even got it baled, so I am lucky to get some at all!  Tom is so busy and has been working until 8-9 pm every night. He's tired and run down, but keeps going.  Just finished a two month remodel, and needs to stay home and get the bill done!  Last time he did that it took him five hours making out the bill.  He was overdrawn the other day, so I hope he will take tomorrow and get it done so he can get paid! 
Heather's Explorer has been acting up, so this whole week I have taken her to her van pool and then picked her up.  Plus she takes my car to cheer practice.  Her car is supposed to be done tonight.  It has given us more time together, so that has been nice.  Monday Heather had a dentist appointment in the afternoon and so there was alot of driving and shuttling going on.  We have had over three weeks of warm even hot days and no rain!  I can say that my house is warm, even the bathroom!  Takes alot of heat to get this house warm.  Supposed to cool off tomorrow and maybe have a thunderstorm in the afternoon. Hate to say it, but it would be nice to have some rain!  My garden attemp has not been very successful.  Put two zuchinni plants in a big black pot.  A tomato plant in another pot and two bell peppers in another.  Slugs eating the pepper plant.  Zuchinis are small and I think a rabbit is nibbling on them,  there are a few small tomatoes growing, but the plant really never took off.  so, between slugs, moles and rabbit, and the fact that Buckwheat has the yard to graze during the day, need to figure out another plan. 
My back went out yesterday, and still hurts this morning.  I wasn't even doing anything strenuous, just was bending over and reaching.  Has happened before.  usually when I am loading the firewood in the stove.  Well, better go and get ready to take Heather to her van pool.  Will take a shower after the hay hauling!  Forest fire in Cle Elum on the news this week.  We are getting the smoke haze over here, reminds me of being in Baker!

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